Or is it? I was contemplating this as I rolled around on the floor of my parents gym-room attempting to emulate the thin, uber-flexible, and very somber yogi on the tv screen this morning. Throughout my routine, Mr. C randomly decides when he’s going to use me as a jungle gym (35 lbs 4-months before he’s 2, tummy bouncing mommy = big oomph!). Every time I lay flat one of the dogs (3 big ones here: my german shepherd plus mom’s yellow lab and golden retriever) decides to lay alongside me and snuggle. I am thinking “this is supposed to be my time to focus and get centered?” Minutes later it dawns on me while stroking Lily’s soft ears; all the extra love in the room should make up for not-so-tranquil environment… if I’m trying to focus my life on being grateful and happy, what better way to find peace than to practically swim in it (grateful for non-slobbery dogs).
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I like it! It reminds me of my speed sit-ups. I have to hurry up and sit back up or else Caesar (2 year old 100 pound German Shepard) likes my face on every down stroke. Again, not relaxing, but get those pesky sit-ups out of the way pronto!