Okay folks, a lot has happened recently and I apologize for taking so long to hit the highlights. Busy busy!
Ukraine – Since we last wrote about this in December protests have continued, truces were made and broken, and almost 100 people have been killed. Last week the President and his allies were ousted and the country now sits in a precarious position and many fear Russia may intervene harshly with their interests in the Crimea. Click on the image of Independence Square to the left for a good overview of events.
- Russia is upset about Ukraine and has made a lot of noise in nearby Crimea but was relieved the Sochi Olympics came and went without an attack
- Egypt’s interim government resigned… yes, the Prime Minister and his entire cabinet
- Iraq violence is on the increase killing over 700 this month and 1,700 this year; Baghdad suffers near-daily bombings and shootings, including periodic coordinated vehicle bomb attacks.
- The popular BitCoin (digital currency) is having some growing pains as a major exchange filed for bankruptcy
- Syria continues the process of chemical weapons disarmament albeit slower than the initial timeline, and the UN passed a resolution to provide aid for civilian
US News
- Nutrition Labels are getting a makeover to help consumers choose healthier foods
- Numerous states either passed, considered, or repealed gay marriage bills. I won’t list them all, but just know the debate is raging.
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