Ok so it’s 9:35 pm and my almost-20-month-old is still wandering around like a zombie. Between the attempt to crawl over the crib rail at 13-mos and the back and forth housing setup between two cities for the last 10-months we typically lie down with him to put him to sleep. I know this time won’t last and I’ll miss him wanting to snuggle with me. But lately the time just keeps getting later and later… then tonight, he rolls over and bites the *&% out of my leg! I know he’s been bitten a few times at daycare (they tell me it’s the age), so I should have expected it sooner or later, but OUCH! All I can say is it’s a darned good thing he’s so cute. So now my question is, how do I start to lay down the law without a way to keep him enclosed? I have watched Super Nanny enough to know to be consistent and just keep taking him back but I have little faith that he’s 1. old enough to get it and 2. tired enough to actually fall asleep vs. just cry for an hour vs. lay quietly with me for an hour. Help?!
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