I made an emergency trip to the dentist today. I woke up this morning and my gum was swollen over my molar. There are a couple of dentists that work out of my dentist’s office. I usually go to Dr. Simony. I really like him. I have been his patient for 9 years. Well, he…
Such a girl!
My girls got GLITTER sidewalk chalk the other day and we used it yesterday. Well, it rained last night. When we went out to play this morning there was a shimmer on the sidewalk. I first thought it was glass. You know how the sunlight glints off the glass? It was not glass. It was…
Movie Time
How do you know if you have had a good time at the movies? If it is hours later, and you are readying yourself for bed and lots of popcorn is falling out of your bra. Such was the case for me this weekend when I took 2 of my daughters, 2 of my nieces…
I am sitting here right now listening to my three girls and my brother’s three children screaming in the basement. It is not the screams of fear or the screams of pain. It is the screams of war! They are attacking Uncle Nate. It might be a little morbid of me, but I hope the…
Back from Vacation
My husband and I just got back from vacation. A wonderful warm 7 day cruse in the Caribbean. Our plane landed last night at 11 and we were home by midnight. We picked the kids up from Grandma (who I want to thank immensely, both Grandmas and Aunties too, without them we would not of…
I don’t want it!
I let my 3-year-old eat cereal on the couch his morning. I don’t usually. But time being of the essence and short on sanity I let her. I finish folding the sheet and look at her watching her Diego and eating cereal. Caesar (2-year old Shepherd) is licking milk out of her bowl as she…
Parenting Tip for the Day 2
Do NOT wash your husband’s uniform with your daughter’s glittery-sparkel skirt. Although my daughters appreciated that Daddy was shimmery, Daddy failed to see the humor in the situation.
One, two someone took the shoe
I(H) have a younger brother with 3 children (ages 6, 4 and 2 years old) their nanny is on her honeymoon. And she didn’t take the kids! Can you imagine! Anyways, I volunteered, (or was recruited) to watch the kids from 8 am tuesday morning till 7 pm Wednesday night, so my brother and his…
Bradley Manning Verdict Reached
Bradley Manning, the source of one of WikiLeak’s largest disclosures of U.S. secrets, was found guilty of espionage, theft and fraud but not of aiding the enemy, which could have carried with it a life sentence. Despite that finding, Manning could still face 136 years in prison for the other convictions. Background: Manning (now 25)…