Sultana received a Duct Tape Bracelet kit for Christmas. She loves it. It’s 10 (or so) plastic bracelets with 10 (or so) different kinds of duct tape to decorate said bracelets. Pretty cool idea. Quick, Easy, Fun, and not so messy! I like it. Until…. I am sitting at my computer surfing Amazon and Facebook…
S is Coming!
S is coming! S is coming! No, not Santa. He’ll be here next week. S from Beyond the Sippy Cup will be here later on this afternoon! I am as excited as if it were Christmas morning. It’s 5 am and instead of laying in bed fast asleep like I usually am, I’m wide awake…
My (not THE) First Thanksgiving
Picture this, the first Thanksgiving that I am hosting. It is a big deal for me. In my mind this is the final step to becoming a “real” adult. My baby is almost a year old. We have been in our new house for just over a year. It is my first time…
The Games We Play
My girls and I play a game. This game doesn’t have a name. When we go to the mall we go into Bath and Body Works, Yankee Candle, White Barn or one of those other smelly stores (as we call them). The winner of this game is the one who finds the most hideously odoriferous scent….
Drawing on my Tomboy Knowledge
If you haven’t been able to guess from some previous posts, or you are new to Beyond the Sippy Cup, I am a Tomboy. I am okay with that. You know what? I am more than okay with it! I am comfortable and proud of the fact that I am a Tomboy! I have…
Mommy Brain Continued
So I have 2 and a half hours three times a week all to myself. Which is great. I am so excited! Then you ask yourself why is she writing about it? I’ll tell you why. I have too much to do. I have the things I want to do, the things I need…
Mommy Brain
I suffer from Mommy Brain. There is so much going on in my mind and my house that whole days will pass and I have been super busy and not managed to have completed a single task. Like right now. I am working on an article for the blog, when it dawns on me that…
Power Bracelet
I know all of you know by now that I have 3 little girls (8, 6 and 4). That is how most of my posts start out. And most of you know that I watch a little boy and his big sister a couple of days a week (ages 4 and 6). That poor little…
Short post, big news
Big stuff going on in the world this week: A passenger jet was shot down over Ukraine killing almost 300, mostly Dutch. Pro-Russian rebels and Russia say it was Ukraine but the rest of the world suspects Russia and the rebels they support are to blame. This further pits Russia against Europe in an already…
From Cupcakes to Cars
I went out for a girls night last Friday! We say a funny movie called “Mom’s Night Out”. Total chick flick, but so funny! We went out for desert after, and we started talking and telling our mommy stories. You all know I have 3 girls, A. has 4 kids ages 8, 6, 2, and…