As I picked up Shush and Al from preschool today I announced that Cole was coming over to play with us for a little bit so his mom could run some errands. I overheard them having the most interesting conversation in the back seat of the minivan. Shush announces that she is going to hold…
Cookies Please!
My mom and sister-in-law have been making cookies for the last 3 years on Black Friday. I know to some that sounds like blasphemy, not being out and catching all the good deals. I HATE shopping from Thanksgiving till Christmas. I live a mile away from a busy mall and I have to fight traffic…
My (not THE) First Thanksgiving
Picture this, the first Thanksgiving that I am hosting. It is a big deal for me. In my mind this is the final step to becoming a “real” adult. My baby is almost a year old. We have been in our new house for just over a year. It is my first time…
Happy Monday
(sung to the music of “Holding Out For A Hero”) Where have all the good gloves gone And where are all the mittens? Where’s the street-wise Hercules To fight the rising odd mittens? Isn’t there a white knight upon a fiery steed? Late at night I toss and I turn and I dream of what I…
Embarrassing but True
I know it is two weeks after Halloween. I have been sitting on this story for over 2 weeks. Because really, it is kind of embarrassing. However, I will admit that I too am human. If I can tell embarrassing stories about my kids, I can rat myself out once in a while. My Mom…
Writing Challenges
I have made it a personal goal of mine to post once a week and write one article a month. I have been doing pretty with my personal challenges. However it is not as easy as it seems. You would think that I could just sit down at my desk and pound out a post….
Beyond the Typical Gifts for 7-9 Year Old Girls
It’s a joke that my mother never tires of… my girls are the Thanksgiving turkey, a Christmas ham and the Easter bunny. Because each of my girls’ birthdays are less than a week from these holidays. In a few weeks, the fun will start for me. I will not only be stocking up for Christmas…
The Games We Play
My girls and I play a game. This game doesn’t have a name. When we go to the mall we go into Bath and Body Works, Yankee Candle, White Barn or one of those other smelly stores (as we call them). The winner of this game is the one who finds the most hideously odoriferous scent….
Mowing the Leaves
Did you know if you cut your grass with the bagger on, the mower will pick up the leaves and mulch them for you? No need for raking. That’s a helpful little hint for you. I love mowing the lawn. My husband is the bestest guy in the whole wide world. He is kind, gentle and…
Happy Little Surprises
It was a snowy December day in 1996 in downtown Detroit. I had to trek across the Wayne State Campus. I had 3 classes that day. A Bio class in the morning, a UGL class at noon then at 3pm an Algebra class at Old Main. I got out of my little car when BAM!…