My kids have some sort of internal sensor in them that says they MUST be outside for a bit of energy every day. I am okay with that. In fact, I think it’s healthy (although sometimes inconvenient for me seeing as I can not leave them unattended as of yet). I am afraid, like most moms, that my 4 year old will run into the road. The girls and I had a fun day playing at our friend’s house but we had spent the entire time inside. It started to rain as we were driving home. The girls asked if they could play in the puddles out front? I said okay as long as there was no thunder or lightning.
I sat on the porch and watched them jumping in puddles and playing with their umbrellas. I took out my camera and snapped a few pictures. I was thinking to myself how great it is to enjoy the little things in life. Playing in puddles, kicking water at yoru siblings, running up and down the sidewalk with the dogs. It was a great moment in my day where I truly felt in sync with the universe. Let it rain!
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