It’s a joke that my mother never tires of… my girls are the Thanksgiving turkey, a Christmas ham and the Easter bunny. Because each of my girls’ birthdays are less than a week from these holidays. In a few weeks, the fun will start for me. I will not only be stocking up for Christmas like the rest of the world, but I have a few birthdays thrown in there too. So before the mad rush starts and I get the phone calls regarding what to get who I have done some brainstorming. I have discovered that a majority of the things that my almost-9-year-old wants are also what my almost-7-year-old wants.
Souvenir Shirts
The hot item on their list this year? Both Sultana and Sass asked if Grandpa B in Arizona could get them another T-shirt from Arizona. Grandpa had gotten them each one last year they have worn and loved fully. Another plus is it gives them bragging rights when a friend asks what their shirt says. My cousin once got Sultana a jogging suit that said Canada on it. Every time they wore it she mentioned her exotic cousins in the far away land of Canada.
I am continually amazed with this technology age that we live in. My girls could go for hours without talking to me (if I let them) while they play on their iPads, Kindles, or the Galaxy Tablet. I am also amazed at the price that some people are willing to pay for games. Sultana asked me why I wouldn’t pay $5.99 for an app. I told her “I have better things to spend $5.99 on than an app you may or may not play.” So Sultana has asked her Aunt for an iTunes card to by the apps she wants (within reason).
The old saying about each child in the same family having extremely unique and different personalities is true. I thought that because I had Sultana and Sass at polar opposite ends of the personality spectrum (think Rapunzel; free spirited, wants to have fun and easy going people pleaser versus Merida; the driven, fiery, determined, and willing to openly defy authority) that I had no more surprises personality
wise. Then came Shush. Quite, sweet and cute. Until you tell her something she doesn’t want to hear. She just ignores you like you never said anything and carries on with her activity. I almost lost my point here. The point is as different as they are, they like to have their own accessories. Jewelry, hair ties and bows, necklaces and earrings. Sass has a favorite pair of earrings that are black and pink. Sultana’s favorite earrings are dangly puppies and an airplane watch Auntie S gave her. Shush just like to pile it on. And they don’t like to share. So, accessories are one of the top suggestions for this year.
Grandpa B from Arizona was just here visiting. The girls begged him to play a game with them and picked Payday. We pulled it off the top shelf and dusted it off. We played it for a little over an hour, just ’til dinner was ready and the girls loved it. We lost Shush after the first 15 minutes (as to be expected for a 4 year old’s limited attention span). Everyone had a good time. Grandpa won! Event more amazing, the girls didn’t even care that they didn’t win. Only that they got to play with Grandpa. Sultana and Shush like to play a game called Lickety Split and Who Gnu with each other also. Any activity that gets them thinking and away from the screen I approve of whole-heartedly.
Sultana has a new found love for photography. She has her own camera and it’s nothing fancy but age appropriate and durable. She likes to take the photos then look at them on the computer. She also wants me to print out pictures for her. I have a digital frame that I am not currently using. I was thinking of loading her pictures on that and letting her have that up in her room.
Art Suppli
Sass loves to draw and she hordes her drawing supplies. Now I usually do not condone hoarding, but Sass is very responsible with her supplies. She hates it when Shush flattens her crayons or creases her papers. Plus Sass is getting a little older now, and I think she deserves some nicer supplies than just the 24 pack from Crayola. I also want to get her a case/box to store her things so they can all be in one spot.
Keep in mind these are not all the ideas that I have, or all the stuff the girls have asked for in the last 2 weeks. Theses recommendations are the products that I feel as a parent will be enjoyed (played with or used) by the girls and things that I will not squash with my disapproval. For more ideas, visit our aStore as I continually add to it when a new idea strikes me!
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