S and I talk regularly. She usually calls me on the way home from work, and we talk while she drives home (using her hands free device of course). While she is driving, I am usually making dinner. This particular day I was making Dirty Rice. Now, I had some browned ground beef already and I didn’t know what to do with it. Low and behold! I passed a box mix of dirty rice and on the box it advertised “Just add ground beef for a complete meal” Like it was reading my mind! I picked it off the shelf and bought it. Took it home and made it while on the phone with S. Now it is time to eat. S has only about 10 more minutes till she pulls into her drive, so I figure I will just serve the girls and then I’ll eat after I finish my conversation.
All 3 girls (one at a time of course) “what’s for dinner?” “Dirty Rice.” I respond. Now all three girls are saying gross and how they refuse to eat rice that I have dropped on the floor. It got so loud I have to excuse myself from my conversation with S. There were even some tears involved. I explained it isn’t really “dirty”. No, I did NOT drop it on the floor. It is NOT gross and no it is NOT “infected” (from my 7 year old). I feel like I am fighting this never-ending battle.
The final out come to dinner was 1-1-1. 1 win, 1 it was okay, and 1 it was gross. And to think, it only took me 10 minutes of convincing them that I was not trying to poison them!
Yep, she was cracking me up on the phone trying to explain to her kids…