My 3 year old and I went to visit Grandma today. Now this is my Grandmother. She is 91 years young. We took Grandma to lunch, and on the way back from lunch my child was singing in the back seat. Grandma says “Wow! She sure is a happy little thing! You are doing a…
About this Blog and Blogging in General
Super-Typhoon in the Philippines Leaves Thousands Devastated
Super Typhoon Haiyan hit the Philippines Friday. The death toll is now estimated at 10,000 but may increase as authorities reach more victims. The UN estimates 660,000 people have been displaced; some without food, water or medicine. International relief efforts have begun to pick up, with many countries pledging tens of millions of dollars. The…
Army men are keenly camouflaged for green rice
Found this interloper when trying to snag bites between knocking down battalions with blocks. Sneaky little sniper. I love having a little boy even if he does knock down every tower I build. If we ever get around to the recipe page I’ll share the green rice recipe…add a little leftover chicken or pork (shown…
Parenting Tip For the Day 4
By the time you realize you forgot to put on deodorant … It is too late!
Manners for kids
I really enjoyed this article I stumbled upon (through Pinterest, another new discovery). It gives some simple guidelines for what manners we should be focusing on at different ages for our kids. Mr.C’s first words were airplane, momma, and thank-you, so I’m all on board with this. We are now at the sharing phase, though,…
Parenting Tip for the day 3
If all your Lego people are missing their heads, you find them 2 days latter while picking up dog dirt in the backyard. And no thank you, I did not wash them off and put them back in the lego bin! I can’t explain why the heads taste better than the entire body. You’ll have…
Beyond the First Birthday – A Practical Gift Guide for One-Year-Old Girls
Checkout our latest practical gift guide for One-Year-Old Girls! There are some great ideas in here and some can be adapted to fit other ages (although the reason they’re in here is because parents of one-year-olds hopefully haven’t already stocked them up on these items!)
Parenting Tip for the Day
Do you want a little parenting tip? Oh, I’ve got a tip for you! Liquid water enhancer is NOT, I repeat, NOT the same as liquid water ENERGYenhancers. One tiny word on the package will completely change how your day goes. Plus it does NOT, I repeat, NOT give you the same amount of energy…
Changing leaves on this side of the country
It’s so nice to get to see them this year! Being a western U.S. (and mostly desert) dweller most of my life I have always enjoyed opportunities to see the full majesty of seasonal changes when visiting friends and family elsewhere. What a treat to do so with Hil and her girls this year.
Getting serious about providing consistent, interesting, and useful content
If you’ve been visiting the site you might have noticed some changes. We got together last week and are got serious about our ideas for providing consistent, interesting, and useful content to our readers. Much of what we discussed is reflected in our new About pages. Please check them out and share around; we’d love to know what you think! The Team The…