By the time you realize you forgot to put on deodorant … It is too late!
Authored by H
Parenting Tip for the day 3
If all your Lego people are missing their heads, you find them 2 days latter while picking up dog dirt in the backyard. And no thank you, I did not wash them off and put them back in the lego bin! I can’t explain why the heads taste better than the entire body. You’ll have…
Beyond the First Birthday – A Practical Gift Guide for One-Year-Old Girls
Checkout our latest practical gift guide for One-Year-Old Girls! There are some great ideas in here and some can be adapted to fit other ages (although the reason they’re in here is because parents of one-year-olds hopefully haven’t already stocked them up on these items!)
Parenting Tip for the Day
Do you want a little parenting tip? Oh, I’ve got a tip for you! Liquid water enhancer is NOT, I repeat, NOT the same as liquid water ENERGYenhancers. One tiny word on the package will completely change how your day goes. Plus it does NOT, I repeat, NOT give you the same amount of energy…
Good morning. H here. Just want to fill you in with a little background before I get to the main story. (It makes me look more responsible, err… maybe less irresponsible) My kids get a chocolate milk EVERY morning. I know this sounds insane, but it is actually an improvement. They used to get a…
Sell My Sister
Two out of three of my girls are in school full time. My little one goes to nursery school two days a week for two hours. My little one also has no real concept of time. She knows that there is an order to which our day goes. Wake up, breakfast, big sisters on the bus,…
I (H) am watching a little boy on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I take him to and from Nursery school with my youngest daughter. It has been working out great! It gives Kenzie someone to play with and keeps her busy. Plus he is a really good boy and hardly any extra work! Anyways, riding home…
Potty Training Tip
When working on night-time potty training I found it is not only helpful, but allows more time for sleeping. Layer the child’s vinyl sheet then fitted sheet then the vinyl then another fitted sheet. This allows you when you are woken due to wet pajamas to change the child, strip one set of sheets, without…
One, two someone took the shoe
I(H) have a younger brother with 3 children (ages 6, 4 and 2 years old) their nanny is on her honeymoon. And she didn’t take the kids! Can you imagine! Anyways, I volunteered, (or was recruited) to watch the kids from 8 am tuesday morning till 7 pm Wednesday night, so my brother and his…
Ugh!! I’m getting old!!
My sister-in-law treated me to a Darius Rucker concert for my birthday last month. AWSOME! The concert got out about 11:30 pm. As we are driving home at midnight we are both yawning uncontrollably. At which point we both started recalling a while ago when we were in our twenties (before kids) when we would…