So my son confirmed for me yesterday something I’ve ruminated over many times over the years… is the opposite sex just born knowing how to get under your skin? We call that pushing buttons in our house (probably you do too) when it’s done on purpose. Some people don’t just push more than others, but seem to have an innate desire to push, it’s almost compulsive: “just… have… to… poke… her… one… more… time”. I have been told many of my friends that my “buttons” are often out in plain sight for anyone to see. I just don’t hide frustration well (I’ve also been told numerous times frustrated is my favorite word). Apparently, even a toddler can see them and my two-year-old tests them daily. Yesterday, though, he put the icing on the cake (or thread in the button??). He not only pushed his limits by continuing to do something right in plain sight after I told him to stop, but when I got to “three” (we use 1-2-3- Magic) and picked him up to take him to timeout (step) he looked right at me and with this big smirk on his face said “beep” as he poked me in the chest. Seriously?? Definitely born with button-sense.
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