North 40 campground at Oshkosh with formation overhead
B2osh 109-bonanza formation is my toddlers first flight, which he slept through
Yep, as we should have anticipated. For those of you not familiar with B2Osh (okay that’s probably all of you) its an annual fly-in where typically 100+ Beechcraft Bonanzas as well as a few Barons fly formation from Rockford, IL to the EAA Airventure show in Oshkosh, WI. This formation is a series of 3-ship…
News Update
There’s a few so I’m putting them all in one: – Anthony Weiner, the Congressman who stepped down after being exposed as a ‘sexter’ is now running for Mayor of New York City, even though he acknowledges continuing to send messages after being caught. His wife is standing by him. – The Pope visited Brazil…
Headed to Oshkosh Airshow with the Family
So I missed the show last year because taking a 7-month old who would only want to crawl around on the ground the entire time seemed like it would be more work than it was worth. This year, we are all set with a house rented, car reserved, and the whole family is meeting Grandpa in Rockford…
My toddler won’t sleep… and he bites!
Ok so it’s 9:35 pm and my almost-20-month-old is still wandering around like a zombie. Between the attempt to crawl over the crib rail at 13-mos and the back and forth housing setup between two cities for the last 10-months we typically lie down with him to put him to sleep. I know this time won’t…
Snowden offered Asylum
Edward Snowden, the former contractor who leaked classified information while working for the National Security Agency (NSA), has now been offered asylum by Venezuela now among a small group of other countries. He has been in the Moscow airport since late June. BACKGROUND: Snowden left the US for Hong Kong in May before the leaked information was published in early June. The…
Clashes in Cairo
Egypt continues to face unrest as the military and protestors clash in the capital. Protestors are primarily supporters of Mohammed Morsi and members of the Muslim Brotherhood. Background: Egypt’s military removed their first democratically elected president, Mohammed Morsi in what some are calling the second coup in 2-years (30-year president Hosni Mubarak was ousted in 2011 after…
SFO 777 Crash
Boeing 777 from Seoul, South Korea crash landed at San Francisco Airport this morning.
So the kiddo experienced his first truck-camping and four-wheeling today. Believe it or not he fell asleep despite his head bobbing all around in the carseat for over an hour on the way out. What was even funnier was watching a 19-month old try to dance to “Thrift Shop” and keep missing his mouth with the granola…